
Emulates integers.

A collection of utility functions for using Integers in Alloy. Note that integer overflows are silently truncated to the current bitwidth using the 2’s complement arithmetic, unless the ‘’forbid overflows’’ option is turned on, in which case only models that do not have any overflows are analyzed.


The main challenge with this module is the distinction between Int and int. Int is the set of integers that have been instantiated, whereas int returns the value of an Int. You have to explicitly write int i to be able to add, subtract, and compare Ints.

open util/integer

fact ThreeExists { // there is some integer whose value is 3
  some x: Int | int x = 3

fun add[a, b: Int]: Int {
  {i: Int | int i = int a + int b}

run add for 10 but 3 int expect 1

To try this module out, in Alloy Analyzer’s evaluator, you may also issue the following commands (suppose that allow generated a set with numbers ranging from -8 to 7):

1 + 3

7 + 1


fun integer.add [n1, n2: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns n1 + n2.

fun [n1, n2: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns n1 + n2.

fun integer.sub [n1, n2: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns n1 - n2.

fun integer.minus [n1, n2: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns n1 - n2.

fun integer.mul [n1, n2: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns n1 * n2.

fun integer.div [n1, n2: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns the division with ‘’round to zero’’ semantics, except the following 3 cases:

  • if a is 0, then it returns 0

  • else if b is 0, then it returns 1 if a is negative and -1 if a is positive

  • else if a is the smallest negative integer, and b is -1, then it returns a

fun integer.rem [n1, n2: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns the unique integer that satisfies a = ((a/b)*b) + remainder.

fun integer.negate [n: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns the negation of n.

fun integer.signum [n: Int]
Return type:

one Int

Returns the signum of n (aka sign or sgn). In particular, n < 0 => ( 0 - 1 ) else ( n > 0 => 1 else 0 ).

fun integer.int2elem [i: Int, next: univ->univ, s: set univ]
Return type:

lone s

Returns the ith element (zero-based) from the set s in the ordering of next, which is a linear ordering relation like that provided by ordering.

fun integer.elem2int [e: univ, next: univ->univ]
Return type:

lone Int

Returns the index of the element (zero-based) in the ordering of next, which is a linear ordering relation like that provided by ordering.

fun integer.max
Return type:

one Int

Returns the largest integer in the current bitwidth.

fun integer.min
Return type:

one Int

Returns the smallest integer in the current bitwidth.

Return type:

Int -> Int

Maps each integer (except max) to the integer after it.

fun integer.prev
Return type:

Int -> Int

Maps each integer (except min) to the integer before it.

fun integer.max [es: set Int]
Return type:

lone Int

Given a set of integers, return the largest element.

fun integer.min [es: set Int]
Return type:

lone Int

Given a set of integers, return the smallest element.

fun integer.prevs [e: Int]
Return type:

set Int

Given an integer, return all integers prior to it.

fun integer.nexts [e: Int]
Return type:

set Int

Given an integer, return all integers following it.

fun integer.larger [e1, e2: Int]
Return type:


Returns the larger of the two integers.

fun integer.smaller [e1, e2: Int]
Return type:


Returns the smaller of the two integers.


pred integer.eq [n1, n2: Int]

True iff n1 is equal to n2.

pred [n1, n2: Int]

True iff n1 is greater than n2.

pred integer.gte [n1, n2: Int]

True iff n1 is greater than or equal to n2.

pred [n1, n2: Int]

True iff n1 is less than n2.

pred integer.lte [n1, n2: Int]

True iff n1 is less than or equal to n2.

pred [n: Int]

True iff n is equal to 0.

pred integer.pos [n: Int]

True iff n is positive.

pred integer.neg [n: Int]

True iff n is negative.

pred integer.nonpos [n: Int]

True iff n is non-positive.

pred integer.nonneg [n: Int]

True iff n is non-negative.