
Alloy modules are similar to programming languages and act as the namespaces. Alloy comes with a standard library of utility modules.

Simple Modules

open util/relation as r

Imports must be at the top of the file. Modules may import new signatures into the spec.

Modules can be imported multiple times under different namespaces.


A module can be namespaced by importing as a name. Namespaces are accessed with /. This is also called a qualified import.

open util/relation as r

-- later


Parameterized Modules

A parameterized module is “generic”: its functions and predicates are defined for some arbitrary signature. When you import a parameterized module, you must pass in a signature. Its functions and predicates are then specialized to be defined for that signature.

open util/ordering[A]

sig A {}

run {some first} -- returns an A atom

Normally ord/first returns an abstract elem. By parameterizing the module with A, the function now returns an A atom.

The input must be a full signature and not a subset of one.

A parameterized module can be imported multiple times using Namespaces.


The following built-in modules are parameterized: ordering, time, graph, and sequence.

Creating Modules

The syntax for a module is

module name

At the beginning of the file.


Any module predicate, function, and signature can be preceded by private, which means it will not be imported into other modules.

module name

private sig A {}

Creating Parameterized Modules

module name[sig]

-- predicates and functions should use sig